Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Is it okay to torture or kill a robot?

Is it OK to torture or murder a robot?

Would you harm this bot?
People often feel uncomfortable when watching social robots being tortured or harmed (see main story). Ask yourself how you'd feel if the same was done to these bots. (Thinkstock)
We form such strong emotional bonds with machines that people can’t be cruel to them even though they know they are not alive. So should robots have rights?
Kate Darling likes to ask you to do terrible things to cute robots. At a workshop she organised this year, Darling asked people to play with a Pleo robot, a child’s toy dinosaur. The soft green Pleo has trusting eyes and affectionate movements. When you take one out of the box, it acts like a helpless newborn puppy – it can’t walk and you have to teach it about the world.
Yet after an hour allowing people to tickle and cuddle these loveable dinosaurs, Darling turned executioner. She gave the participants knives, hatchets and other weapons, and ordered them to torture and dismember their toys. What happened next “was much more dramatic than we ever anticipated,” she says.
For Darling, a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, our reaction to robot cruelty is important because a new wave of machines is forcing us to reconsider our relationship with them. When Darling described her Pleo experiment in a talk in Boston this month, she made the case that mistreating certain kinds of robots could soon become unacceptable in the eyes of society. She even believes that we may need a set of “robot rights”. If so, in what circumstance would it be OK to torture or murder a robot? And what would it take to make you think twice before being cruel to a machine?
Until recently, the idea of robot rights had been left to the realms of science fiction. Perhaps that’s because the real machines surrounding us have been relatively unsophisticated. Nobody feels bad about chucking away a toaster or a remote-control toy car. Yet the arrival of social robots changes that. They display autonomous behaviour, show intent and embody familiar forms like pets or humanoids, says Darling. In other words, they act as if they are alive. It triggers our emotions, and often we can’t help it.
For example, in a small experiment conducted for the radio show Radiolab in 2011, Freedom Baird of MIT asked children to hold upside down a Barbie doll, a hamster and a Furby robot for as long as they felt comfortable. While the children held the doll upside down until their arms got tired, they soon stopped torturing the wriggling hamster, and after a little while, the Furby too. They were old enough to know the Furby was a toy, but couldn’t stand the way it was programmed to cry and say “Me scared”.
It’s not just kids that form surprising bonds with these bundles of wires and circuits. Some people give names to their Roomba vacuum cleaners, says Darling. And soldiers honour their robots with “medals” or hold funerals for them. She cites one particularly striking example of a military robot that was designed to defuse landmines by stepping on them. In a test, the explosions ripped off most of the robot’s legs, and yet the crippled machine continued to limp along. Watching the robot struggle, the colonel in charge called off the test because it was “inhumane”, according to the Washington Post.
Killer instinct
Some researchers are converging on the idea that if a robot looks like it is alive, with its own mind, the tiniest of simulated cues forces us to feel empathy with machines, even though we know they are artificial.
Earlier this year, researchers from the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany used an fMRI scanner and devices that measure skin conductance to track people’s reactions to a video of somebody torturing a Pleo dinosaur – choking it, putting it inside a plastic bag or striking it. The physiological and emotional responses they measured were much stronger than expected, despite being aware they were watching a robot.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Has the self driving car arrived?

24 November 2013

Self-driving cars: Are they finally here?

Self-driving cars: Are they finally here?
Our pick of the week from around the web, including autonomous vehicles, why internet hijacks are on the rise and the key difference between Apple and Amazon.
Stuxnet’s secret twin
Ralph Langner | Foreign Policy | 19 November 2013

Three-year study of the Stuxnet virus shows it was designed to slow down Iran’s nuclear production line, not to destroy it. And it did just that, probably delaying Iran’s efforts by two years. The code discovered in 2009 was a second version of the virus; the first was found two years earlier but not recognised. Disclosure of Stuxnet may have been deliberate, to publicise America’s technical prowess. (Metered paywall)
Between planning and reality
Clay Shirky | 19 November 2013 fiasco follows from the “contempt” that management everywhere has for tech employees. There’s no understanding of the trade-off between features, quality, and time. “The vision of ‘technology’ as something you can buy according to a plan, then have delivered as if it were coming off a truck, flatters and relieves managers who have no idea and no interest in how this stuff works, but it’s also a breeding ground for disaster.”
Targeted internet traffic misdirection
Jim Cowie | Renesys | 19 November 2013

How man-in-the-middle attacks work. Internet traffic passing from – say – Guadelajara to New York can be hijacked relatively easily, redirected half way around the world, inspected or modified, then routed back to the intended recipients, who are none the wiser. This isn’t just conjecture: it has happened on a large scale at least twice this year. But who is doing it?
The Amazon whisperer
Jason Feifer | Fast Company | 18 November 2013

Meet the company that makes products based on Amazon reviews of other products. It’s called C&A and it has 20 staff in New Jersey scanning internet comments to find what additional features shoppers want in a product. If customer reviews of waterproof audio speakers on Amazon are asking for a speaker with Bluetooth connectivity, for example, C&A hires a manufacturer in China to produce one.
Has the self-driving car arrived?
Burkhard Bilger | New Yorker | 18 November 2013

Why Google is leading the race towards a driverless car, and the car companies are following reluctantly. For a car company, the driving experience is the main selling point of the car; the driver is the customer. For Google, the point of the car is to get from A to B; the driver is the weak link, the prime cause of accidents. Sample quote from Anthony Levandowski, engineer at Google X: “My fiancee is a dancer in her soul, I’m a robot.”
Amazon and Apple business models
Jean-Louis Gassée | Monday Note | 18 November 2013

Compare and contrast. Apple books huge profits. Amazon books none. But just lately, investors seem to prefer Amazon’s way of doing things. They have bid its shares up, while discounting those of Apple. Why? Because Amazon is using its cash not only to grow, but to diversify, and, thanks to Jeff Bezos, seems to do everything uniformly well. Apple relies on a few hit products, which makes investors nervous.
Why the banner ad is heroic
John Battelle | Searchblog | 17 November 2013

In praise of online advertising, as a driver of innovation. “One generation from now, we may not click on banner ads, but we’ll always be pulling into traffic, filing health insurance claims, buying clothes in retail stores, turning up our thermostats. Those myriad transactions will be lit with data and processed by a real time infrastructure initially built to execute one pedestrian task: serve a simple banner ad.”
Fix your boring slides
Andy Baio | Waxy | 14 November 2013

Tips from XOXO conference founder. Use big words and pictures, add some colour, and change the typeface. “Gill Sans is a great typeface, but because it’s the Keynote default, it shows up everywhere and feels deadly boring. Avenir, Seravek, and Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold are safe bets and ship with current versions of OS X. If you know what you’re doing, drop some money on a good commercial typeface.”
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